Tea & Coffee
The traditional method of manufacturing black tea involves four basic steps:Withering, Rolling, Fermenting, and Drying or Firing. The process results in a high quality tea that when brewed is full of exquisite flavor and aroma.
The tea leaf enzymes are quickly inactivated by steaming or pan frying, thereby preventing the natural fermentation process,and thus producing a mild and delicate tea with a sweet and smooth flavor.
Teas which are not completely fermented, or semi fermented,are referred to as Oolong teas ( pronounced Wu-Long). These teas will knock you off your feet with extrodinary aroma and sweet, smooth taste.
All the flavor and body of our specialty teas without the caffine.
Herbal tea made from the South African red Bush. These teas containa huge array of antioxidants and are caffine free. (pronounced ROY- boss)
Fruits, herbs and edible plants infused in boiled water creates a lovely beverage known as Tisanes. Blends of flowers with fruits and berries yield a great deep red infusion. Excellant when served hot or cold.
Pot of tea. $2.50
Coffee. $2.50
Latte. $4.50
Iced tea. $2.50
Hot Chocolate. $4.00
Boylan Sodas. $2.50
Humankind Water. $2.00
Matcha. $5.00